
Fofar0x71 price

In the last 7 days, the price of the cryptocurrency Fofar0x71 has fallen by 16.19%. Track the current and historical FOFAR prices in an interactive chart.

Current as of Jul 03, 2024, 3.06 pm
1 Fofar0x71 = 0.00000 GBP 1 000 GBP = 742,125,934.94698 FOFAR
100 Fofar0x71 = 0.00013 GBP 100 000 GBP = 74,212,593,494.70 FOFAR
The maximum amount of FOFAR in circulation: 420,690,000,000
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Market value and the current Fofar0x71 price

Current price 0.0000013 GBP / 0.0000017 USD / 0.0000016 EUR
Price change in the last 24h -2.50%
Price change in the last 7 days -16.19%
Updated Jul 03, 2024, 3.06 pm

In the last 24h, the price of the cryptocurrency Fofar0x71 has decreased by 2.50%. Overall, it can be said that there is a decreasing trend because the value of the cryptocurrency Fofar0x71 has decreased by 16.19% in the last 7 days.

Historical prices

DateFOFAR/USDPrice in GBPChange in 24h
Jul 02, 20240.0000016 USD
(0.0000013 GBP)
Jul 01, 20240.0000016 USD
(0.0000013 GBP)
Jun 30, 20240.0000019 USD
(0.0000015 GBP)
Jun 29, 20240.0000019 USD
(0.0000015 GBP)
Jun 28, 20240.0000023 USD
(0.0000018 GBP)
Jun 27, 20240.0000020 USD
(0.0000016 GBP)
Jun 26, 20240.0000014 USD
(0.0000011 GBP)
Jun 25, 20240.0000022 USD
(0.0000017 GBP)
Jun 24, 20240.0000024 USD
(0.0000019 GBP)
Jun 23, 20240.0000031 USD
(0.0000025 GBP)
Jun 22, 20240.0000028 USD
(0.0000022 GBP)
Jun 21, 20240.0000025 USD
(0.0000020 GBP)
Jun 20, 20240.0000022 USD
(0.0000017 GBP)

Fofar0x71 calculator – Converting FOFAR to GBP, EUR and USD


The calculator uses rates current as of Jan 12, 2022. You can convert the cryptocurrency Fofar0x71 to 12 world currencies. You can also convert fiat to cryptocurrency by entering the value in the second field.

Conversion table of FOFAR to GBP, EUR and USD

Current as of Jul 03, 2024, 3.06 pm
Fofar0x71 GBP EUR USD
1 0.00 0.00 0.00
2.5 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 0.00 0.00 0.00
25 0.00 0.00 0.00
50 0.00 0.00 0.00
100 0.00 0.00 0.00
250 0.00 0.00 0.00
500 0.00 0.00 0.00
1000 0.00 0.00 0.00
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