
Evrmore price

In the last 7 days, the price of the cryptocurrency Evrmore has increased by 2.64%. Track the current and historical EVR prices in an interactive chart.

Current as of Jul 04, 2024, 11.02 am
1 Evrmore = 0.00019 GBP 1 000 GBP = 5,244,818.61525 EVR
100 Evrmore = 0.01907 GBP 100 000 GBP = 524,481,861.52 EVR
The maximum amount of EVR in circulation: 8,347,469,788
Trade CFD cryptocurrencies via XTB

You can open a demo account or a real money account.  77% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.

Market value and the current Evrmore price

Current price 0.0001907 GBP / 0.0002430 USD / 0.0002251 EUR
Price change in the last 24h -1.67%
Price change in the last 7 days 2.64%
Updated Jul 04, 2024, 11.02 am

In the last 24h, the price of the cryptocurrency Evrmore has decreased by 1.67%. Even though the currency price has been decreasing in the last 24h, the value of the digital currency Evrmore has increased by 2.64% within the last 7 days. Therefore, it cannot be said there is a long-term decreasing trend.

Historical prices

DateEVR/USDPrice in GBPChange in 24h
Jul 03, 20240.000236 USD
(0.000185 GBP)
Jul 02, 20240.000248 USD
(0.000194 GBP)
Jul 01, 20240.000280 USD
(0.000220 GBP)
Jun 30, 20240.000271 USD
(0.000212 GBP)
Jun 29, 20240.000281 USD
(0.000221 GBP)
Jun 28, 20240.000267 USD
(0.000210 GBP)
Jun 27, 20240.000232 USD
(0.000182 GBP)
Jun 26, 20240.000239 USD
(0.000187 GBP)
Jun 25, 20240.000238 USD
(0.000187 GBP)
Jun 24, 20240.000234 USD
(0.000184 GBP)
Jun 23, 20240.000233 USD
(0.000183 GBP)
Jun 22, 20240.000290 USD
(0.000227 GBP)
Jun 21, 20240.000293 USD
(0.000230 GBP)
Jun 20, 20240.000312 USD
(0.000245 GBP)

Trade CFD cryptocurrencies via XTB

You can open a demo account or a real money account.  77% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.

Evrmore calculator – Converting EVR to GBP, EUR and USD


The calculator uses rates current as of Jan 12, 2022. You can convert the cryptocurrency Evrmore to 12 world currencies. You can also convert fiat to cryptocurrency by entering the value in the second field.

Trade CFD cryptocurrencies via XTB

You can open a demo account or a real money account.  77% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.

Conversion table of EVR to GBP, EUR and USD

Current as of Jul 04, 2024, 11.02 am
1 0.00 0.00 0.00
2.5 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 0.00 0.00 0.00
25 0.00 0.01 0.01
50 0.01 0.01 0.01
100 0.02 0.02 0.02
250 0.05 0.06 0.06
500 0.10 0.11 0.12
1000 0.19 0.23 0.24
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